Nederlands English

Become volunteer


Between 75 and 100 volunteers work at Wat Dhammapateep. Anyone who visits the Temple and its festivals can experience the extraordinary results of the efforts of the volunteers. The Temple and the community around the Temple are proud and grateful for what their peaceful army of selfless and skilled workers makes possible.


The volunteer organization of Wat Dhammapapeteep is recognized by the provincial government of Antwerp: approval number ANT20080241 of April 7, 2008.

What is volunteering?

As stipulated in the law*, voluntary work is “any activity that is performed without remuneration and without obligation”. The organization cannot provide any compensation for the volunteer activities.

Who can be a volunteer?

In principle, anyone can perform voluntary work: young people, the self-employed, the employed, the unemployed, (early) retirees and people who receive a benefit from the health insurance fund, living wage or other compensation. By doing voluntary work one does not lose one's social security rights! Usually there are no formalities, but it is still good to inquire with the organization whether you are not in a special case.

Information note (so-called volunteer contract)

The Volunteer Rights Act stipulates that organizations that work with volunteers must draw up an organizational or information note stating the rights and obligations of the volunteer and the organization. This so-called "volunteer contract" is signed by the volunteer. It states, among other things:

  • The social purpose and legal status (vzw)
  • Those responsible in the organization
  • The existence of the insurance contracts
  • Respecting professional secrecy

If you would like to be a volunteer, please come to the temple/npo to register.


The insurances

Without the voluntary status, the executor and the client of a work are liable for the damage and the burden that is caused to others. The volunteer contract provides free insurance in these cases. Of course, this regulation does not apply to serious errors and damage, for example intentionally or through fraud (Criminal Code).

Three insurance policies were taken out:

  1. Civil Liability (CL) Protects the insured against the consequences of damage that he has caused to third parties through his fault.
  2. Legal assistance (LA) Protects the interests of the insured in the event of damage caused to him by third parties.
  3. Physical Accidents (PA) Protects the insured against physical damage he incurs.